My Blog Roll

Friday, November 3, 2017

Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm the Life Coach.

Recently I've decided to create a "How-To" advice 'column.' This is basically where you can ask me a "how to" question through letter form, any question at all! Such questions could be as deep as "how can I connect with my non verbal sister?" to "how can I tie my shoe with minimal effort?" Just ask it! You can do so through this specific posts' comment section, and I will try answer at least one question a day. Have fun asking, and don't forget to check back often to see what I answer to your question!


  1. How do you find a topic that will stick with you and you wont get bored of it?

  2. Ever since I've moved here, I've had a really tough time making friends, whats your advice?
    (leave this anonymous)
